Our Mission

Our mission is to empower young entrepreneurs by giving them the education, resources, connections, and visibility they need to succeed.

We believe…

…that every entrepreneur can teach someone else something valuable, no matter their age.

…that sustained success comes from lifelong learning and thriving partnerships.

…that preparing future generations for business success starts with early exposure to the world of entrepreneurship.

Our Founding

The A.G. Gaston Business Institute was founded by Bob Dickerson, a visionary who understands the significance of lifelong learning and the impact of mentorship on young minds. In naming the Institute, Bob honored one of the most influential African American business leaders of the twentieth century, Dr. A.G. Gaston. Dr. Gaston’s life story is a testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship, not just as a means to personal success but as a vehicle for community upliftment and social change.

Our Inspiration: Dr. A.G. Gaston

Even in his youth, Dr. A.G. Gaston recognized the critical role of entrepreneurship in building a successful and self-sufficient life. His entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen led him to become a towering figure in the African American business community, embodying the principles of resilience, innovation, and community service. It is these principles that the A.G. Gaston Business Institute aims to instill in the young entrepreneurs we support.

Bob Dickerson

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